Thursday 07 June 2018 at 09:24

Intelligent Conversation About AI

By Eric Antoine Scuccimarra

Most of the videos I see on YouTube discussing the dangers of AI and machine learning are by people who really have no idea about the subject. I recently started to watch a TED talk by a guy who said that machine learning programs wrote themselves. I had to turn it off about 30 seconds in because the guy obviously had learned about AI from watching Terminator or some other Hollywood movie. I also get pissed off when I hear Elon Musk talk about the "dangers" of AI. It amazes me that someone who is obviously intelligent is so clueless about the subject.

I just watched a discussion about AI from the World Science Festival which was notable for being an intelligent discussion of the subject by people who are actually familiar with the technology. It is rather long, but it touches on many subjects and every subject is discussed intelligently.


Labels: machine_learning


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